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Za človeka gre 2021 / All about people 2021

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Home As An (un)stimulating Learning Environment

The most common learning environment is the classroom or school. With the modernization of teaching and continuous improvement, the learning environment has been transferred outside the school space and can only be another space outside the school, and a virtual or digital learning environment is increasingly being used. At the beginning of last year (2020), we witnessed a rapid change in the learning environment of pupils and students in education. In the continuation of the article, we will try to answer the question of whether home can be considered a learning environment at all. The fact that children feel safe at home must be taken into account. Children come to school accustomed to having their needs met really quickly. At school, however, they sometimes have to be patient, wait, get used to independence, responsibility, cooperation, tolerance, etc. In the middle of this process, home suddenly became a learning environment. A home that until now meant a safe environment where they did their homework, but were still in the position of a child. Suddenly, they found themselves in the position of a student at home, and quite often the parents (usually mothers) became teachers. With all this, the technological requirements of teaching have become extremely high and frequent. We will conclude the article with possible ways, how and in what ways we could ensure at least some of the laws of the speech-pedagogical learning process and whether this is possible in home lessons.

Polonca Pangrčič
Alma Mater Europaea


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