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Za človeka gre 2021 / All about people 2021

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Creativity Is A Teacher and We Are All Her Students – Active Learning and Distance Learning With The Arts

Distance learning has brought many challenges The already prevalent sedentary learning in primary school became even more pronounced during the pandemic, leading to worrying results in reduction of the motor abilities of children. We present an example of an innovative learning environment that has introduced an active, experiential and embodied approach to learning through arts into distance learning. As part of the connecting project "A contact point of an analogue and the digital world", we developed a model of learning, which in the creative learning process connected students of fifth grades, two teachers, a dance artist and two experts. The project was formed within the project Developing communication competences through cultural-art education. With the help of a qualitative analysis based on the triangulation of reflections of 37 students, parents, two teachers and an artist, we present the advantages of integration of arts in distance learning. The advantages of this approach are the development of creativity, positive self-image, motivation, learning about new forms of expression, contact with nature and oneself, students’ relaxation and their positive attitude towards activities. For teachers, cooperation with the artist in co-creating project activities is shown as a departure from the usual pedagogical framework. By participating in the project, the artist realized that the foundation and beginning of any learning process is to promote the use of the competencies of each individual, which further creatively expands into the direct social environment and thus creatively shift the balance of responsibility for learning from the individual to the community.

Mateja Jeler
Osnovna šola Vransko-Tabor

Gregor Kamnikar

Vesna Geršak
Univerza v Ljubljani Pedagoška fakulteta


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