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Za človeka gre 2021 / All about people 2021

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The Effectiveness of The Digital Physiotherapy Program In Combination With The Fun Fitness Physiotherapy Program On The Submaximal Aerobic Fitness of People With Intellectual Disabilities and Associated Developmental Disorders

Introduction: Modern society faces the challenge of providing adequate support to vulnerable groups of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in the aging process in improving submaximal aerobic capacity. There are no randomized clinical studies or experimental studies in the databases to examine the efficacy of digital physiotherapy on the aerobic capacity of people with IDD. Methods: We conducted an experimental study where we used a quantitative research paradigm and investigated the effectiveness of a 12-month program on improving the components of a functional test to assess submaximal aerobic fitness in 36 persons with IDD (study and control group). Results: Based on the analysis of the results of individual components of the functional test for the assessment of submaximal aerobic fitness, we find that the mentioned physiotherapy program is effective in improving the aerobic fitness of people with IRM. Conclusions: Digital physiotherapy represents a range of available specific technologies and their impact on modern physiotherapy practices and service models focused on vulnerable patient populations, including the vulnerable population of people with IRM with poor aerobic fitness.

Tine Kovačič

Nina Homer


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