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Za Ĩloveka gre 2021 / All about people 2021

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Epidemiological Triangle of Sars Cov-2

The discovery of a new coronavirus (named SARS CoV-2) in Wuhan in 2019 in China and then its rapid spread across all continents has affected the lives of individuals to its foundations and placed a heavy burden on modern health systems of countries around the world. Despite rapid development and general prosperity, we are suddenly witnessing the fact that also modern human civilization is even more vulnerable and powerless in the face of a new virus. Daily reports of millions of cases and thousands of deaths due to disease (COVID 19) and the confrontation of the individual and society with each week new measures have become a constant that seems to have no end. Despite the measures in place and the start of mass vaccination, the control of this viral disease will also require finding the real causes that led to the SARS CoV-2 pandemic and re-examining the basic findings of human civilization in the past through extraordinary individuals and periods of severe crisis which they had to face. Lifelong learning, raising the awareness of individuals, a healthy diet and lifestyle, responsibility towards oneself and society, solidarity, care for the weak and more vulnerable groups, mutual help and respect are the fundamental values of a developed society. The current pandemic is therefore also an opportunity and a challenge to look back as individuals and society and to become aware of the foundations on which modern civilization based.

Ivan Toplak
University of Ljubljana, Veterinary Faculty


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