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Sports Physiotherapy - Skills and Competencies of A Sports Physiotherapist and His Role In Sports Rehabilitation

Physiotherapists who are working with athletes need additional special skills that are focused on treating physically active people. Compared to physically inactive people, physically active people have a higher risk of injuries, and they are exposed to greater loads that can lead to overused syndromes. Physiotherapy treatments in sports rehabilitation need to be as effective as possible, the rehabilitation needs to be as short as possible, and it should include prevention on all levels. Also, physiotherapists are supposed to communicate and collaborate with other professionals. In some countries, the specialisation in sports physiotherapy is already implemented in the academic curriculum of a bachelor’s or master’s degree, and in some countries different postgraduate specialisation programs are available. Sports physiotherapists play a very important role in the rehabilitation of athletes but their role can vary between countries. With the literature review we aimed to find out what the differences are between countries in terms of graduate and postgraduate educational sports physiotherapy programs. We also tried to validate the competencies and skills needed for a quality treatment in sports rehabilitation.

Eva Uršej
SMILE-E, Eva Uršej s.p.


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