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The Archives of Independence Project - Mutual Link Between The Archive and The User

The project "The Family Archives of Independence" covers the whole of Poland and is addressed to everyone for whom home collections of documents, sometimes growing over many generations, are of invaluable value. Family archives evoke personal emotions. Such collections, still not fully appreciated, are found in many homes. They often create a social history more colorful than the history of textbooks. The aim of the project "The Family Archives of Independence" is to combine national and private history and highlight the role of unknown people, families, families and local communities in the restoration of independent Poland in 1918. All those who cultivate the memory of their ancestors and seek professional advice on how to care for family archives are encouraged to participate in the project. Archivists in 33 state archives in Poland offer such help by sharing their experience and knowledge.

Magdalena Marosz
National Archive in Krakow, Poland


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