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Stigmatization of People With Covid 19

The aim of this study was to determine the feeling of stigmatization in people with COVID-19. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: 201 subjects, persons with COVID-19, participated in the study. The instrument of this research was an anonymous survey questionnaire, specially constructed for the purposes of this research. The results of the study showed that people positive for coronavirus expressed the highest general feeling stigmatization, followed by a sense of stigmatization at work, while the person is positive at coronavirus feel the least stigmatized in the circle of their family and friends. Studies of this type could help identify the most vulnerable groups of patients in the context of stigmatization and thus help direct the provision of psychological support to these groups in society.

Ana Ćorić
Kb "Sveti Duh" Zagreb

Jurica Predović
Kb "Sveti Duh" Zagreb

Štefanija Kolačko
Kb "Sveti Duh" Zagreb


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